I Finally Found It!

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TheRScrooge's avatar
Back in 2012 or 2013, my brother told me that "The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang" existed. He showed me the over-the-top intro and, ever since, I've been hoping that someone would upload the series to YouTube, sell a DVD, archive it on the internet somewhere....Why? Because there's a part of me that delights in finding and watching obscure animated specials, strange cartoons, horrible animated movies. It's akin to how some people enjoy sci-fi B movies or bad SyFy channel horror.

But, this in particular follows another personal goal of mine: I've been wanting to ease into and get a feel for 60's/70's toons. My dad is a tail-end Baby Boomer and he hates just about every toon from his childhood, including the Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry that's a staple for just about every animation fan's childhood. He'd smack talk Pink Panther, Yogi, and others; saying that more modern toons are better. This has always been an odd contrast to my friends and even online animation enthusiasts that lament their 80's and 90's nostalgia. Where are the few and far between folks that just talk about trends and relevance in animation? 

Since I've been making more headway with Scrooge, I feel like focusing solely on modern toons, especially Steven Universe, restricts just how much wider a scope I could have. I'm a twenty-something Millennial. My frame of reference for tropes and cliches is so restricted; do I have the right to talk about their development and cultivation? To discuss or bring up how toons reference certain series? It's a daunting idea, but it's exciting, too. This should be a learning experience about my all-time favorite medium! Even professionals and authoritarian figures in their given fields still do research and look for new insights. 

Anyway, in regards to this toon itself, it was one toon in a long rigmarole of ridiculous Hanna Barbera toons; and, one of the more noteworthy ones since it features the iconic 50's cool guy Fonz. And time travel shenanigans! These two elements are so strangely mismatched, it's head-scratching; something that stokes curiosity. The series producers were originally chasing after license to use Dr. Who, but the BBC wouldn't give them permission. Enter permission to use the Fonz and this is the wonderfully campy result! The basic premise is that the Fonz, his friends, a future chick named Cupcake, and his Scrappy stand-in Mr. Cool get lost in time and spend the series trying to get back to 1957 Milwaukee. 

This morning, I am very happy to announce that I found it! I finally found it! Tthe entire series, every 25 minute episode over the course of its' two season run: kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/The-Fon…

If you dig Scooby Doo cheese, I recommend giving it a watch. The Fonz has God-like powers and charisma, Mr. Cool is a walking, talking series of bad slapstick attempts, Cupcake spouts bad one-liners like "Galloping galaxies!" and has a series of awesome powers but can't use them worth a damn. 
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TheEarthrabbit's avatar
Huh. I often forget how many shameless licensed cartoons were produced during the 70s and 80s, I mean almost every well known celebrity had a cartoon back then. Mr. T , Chuck Norris , Rambo  etc. Though...while it should be no surprise, I'm for some reason shocked that this exists.